
Metal Mouth Diaries 7

Day 7

I've jumped to day 7, I didn't think anyone would really want to hear the daily grumblings, but believe me the daily grumblings have been there :)
Getting braces is one of those decisions you make because you know it is the right decision.  My dentist even cheered when I told her, but even though it's "right", it wouldn't have been wrong not to get them.

So I made it to a week and I was still clamping at the bit to get them off.  I was almost afraid to be perceived as a wimp to the ortho so I asked G if he would do it.  My sweet husband made the call for me.  I had sent G a list of my symptoms and he spoke to the Orthodontist and he wasn't surprised by any of the symptoms, and said the pain/discomfort is heightened as I am an adult and that I need to give it at least two weeks.  

It's more than the physical now, it's a psycho-neurotic-emotional systematical breakdown of my system.  Because of the initial pain, discomfort and anxiety I've tensed up my right shoulder (typical for me as that is where I keep all my stress).  Clenching my jaw at night, etc so I don't sleep well, have nightmares, wake up sore.  So I wake up in the morning, blame the braces and cycle continues.  Supposedly I need to do things to relax, take my mind off the braces, reduce my anxiety.  

Not sure how...any suggestions?

Relaxing and holding the stress in my right side is not a new problem.  In the past I've woken to pain in my hands to realize I've left nail indentations in the palm of my hands as I've fist gripped so strongly in my sleep.

10 of my Favorite Things This Week

A few of my favorite things...

Fresh cut roses

This little 8 year old angel and how she is devouring the Harry Potter Series

Jamba Juice bought with a JJ Gift Card from my Mum :)

How the sun hits our bookcase in the late afternoon, and on into evening as the sun sets

This smile, on this 5 year old boy!

My "keep my bottle of Rose cold at the table" bag

Sunflowers that stretch for the sun, and remind me that when we keep our eyes on the Son we too can stand strong and tall!

This Ice Cream from Trader Joe's is DELICIOUS and has been great to have on hand this week

Looking down at my freshly painted toe nails and remembering the fun outing I had getting them prettied up!

Watching the 2012 Olympics Ceremony in London, England and having my heart skip an extra beat seeing my home country!

Experiencing issues with Blogger and editing the spaces and white highlight on text

Metal Mouth Diaries 4

Killing me softly is the theme for Day 4.  I know, I know I've yet to post something positive about my braces experience.  I'm hoping this article proves true, and that in a week I'll start to feel more normal.  As it stands today, I could easily take pliers to my teeth and pull away.  In fact, I found the above linked article because I was googling "pulling your braces off."  In fact as it stands right now, I feel like I could rip the braces off of my teeth with my bare hands.  And, after experiencing the fear, anger, and adrenaline of a five year old essentially strapped down for vaccinations yesterday I've no doubt that I could actually do some serious damage to my teeth if I gave into the temptation.

In other Metal Mouth Diaries News, I'm fascinated with the cost.  I've been wanting a house cleaner for about 3 and a half years (been married for 4 years FYI), yet have always held off because of the cost.  Now we are shelling out some serious dinero monthly for these torturous wires ;) and I (OK, we ;)) still have to clean!!  Insurance only covers so much (not even half), and when I think of all the other things I could buy or save to buy versus paying for braces it isn't a fun comparison.

So why exactly did I get braces?  Well, besides the fact that my dentist has been urging me to get braces for the last ten years, I am hoping that the resulting effects of braces does help alleviate the jaw, neck and back issues that I've been experiencing with increasing intensity.  I'm also hopeful that with the teeth extraction and thus the removal of overcrowding I don't have to struggle with cavity issues between my teeth.  I'm really not going for the braces for any aesthetics reasons, believe me!!

So day 4 comes to a close, and I'm keeping my soft foods, wine, and Ensures at the ready.

Oh, yeah --- a glass or 2 of this goes a long way to making the night a little easier to bear!!!

Metal Mouth Diaries 3

The end of day 3 of braces, well 2 and a half days I suppose.  I started the day optimistically.  Wore a cute dress, gave myself my summer beach hair do, and armed with a pep talk decided that for better or worse the braces are here to stay.  Completed my swagger with my vacation hat, and I was ready for the day.

I did alright for most of the day, but now the day is done I am too, but another 727 days (OK, perhaps I won't look at the day as that's a little scary)!  So 2 years seems to be a safe bet.  SO...with two years looming in front of me, rest assured I see no light at the end of the tunnel.

The actual physical pain has started to subside, but then there's the discomfort, the pain of torn apart gums (which thankfully wax has now become my friend).  Plus, never thought that even biting a soft tortilla would be painful and not possible, but alas, it's true!  I recommend braces as the best diet plan ;)

So Day 3 comes to a close.  I would say I should just "grin and bear it," but I've sort of signed off on grinning for another 727 days!!

I'd also like to promise that the posts turn more positive, but time will tell......

Metal Mouth Diaries 2

Day 2: One rough night of sleep.  I didn't anticipate the tearing of my gums.  I have since discovered the joy of dental wax, and am thinking I should probably make an investment in wax!!

Eating has been interesting, not only does chewing most anything cause pain, I'm as self conscious as a 13 year old with braces, and feel like the food is hanging around, snug in the wires (sorry for the visual)!

I've been consoling myself with the wonderment of children, and offering gratitude that I do get to spend the majority of my days with 2 of the most precious children.  It would seem wearing braces has elevated my coolness factor with my 8 and 5 year old charges.  They think my expanded selection of toothbrushes is awesome, and the best line of the day was from 5 year old Michael.  While playing at the park together he said the following, "When you smile with your braces you look cool.  With all that metal you could be a superhero!"  

Still working on that cape, maybe I need an attitude adjustment first too!!

Metal Mouth Diaries 1

Day One - my mouth is full of metal.  There really isn't another way to describe it.  I knew I had decided to get braces, and I knew the steps of extraction and such were for the braces, but I didn't anticipate the vice like hell I voluntarily put myself in!

Pain - Tylenol is my friend (again)!

Anxiety - It's best that I don't think too much about the fact that on every single tooth is glued a metal brace, on which blue rubber bands are wrapped around, and connecting them all are wires.  AND, the best part is that this is for 2 years.  Yep, not a good idea to dwell on that or my hands will be clawing away at my teeth neverminding the consequences.

So, day 1 comes to a close and I realize just how vain I probably am.  With 5 weeks before my 29th birthday my face decides to break out like it's prep for a pizza party, my teeth have that metallic glow, and if I'm feeling really pretty like all I have to do is put on my glasses!  I think I need to go Back to School shopping, Freshman year of High School here I come!!!

Vacation Prep

Want to know the best way to vacation?

Work 3 consecutive 60 hour weeks, throw in Matron of Honor duties, long term fighting with your husband, home duties, and to top it off have 2 teeth extracted 2 days before your flight.  An extraction which incidentally was supposed to be simple, painless, and free of any complications.  Complications being an adverse reaction to the anesthesia, meaning 24 hours before my scheduled 11 hour transatlantic flight I throw up every 2 hours!  Meaning those newly formed blood clots are in fact dislodged, causing you (or me ;) to experience dry socket on both sides of your mouth.  Let's just say Tylenol and I became intimately acquainted!!

Starting vacation 8lbs under my normal weight was ideal for enjoying the culinary delights that Alsace, France has to offer.  

Tarte Flambees
Wine, Champagne, more wine
Croissants, croissants, and did I mention croissants?!
Oh, petit pains
And much, much more....

Really, take my advice and prep for your next vacation!!!

Vacation Ready

Set the Ladies Free

For one of the first times on a summer vacation I managed to successfully apply sunscreen in a timely and consistent manner, resulting in a nice brown tan, albeit patchy, but you can't win them all.  (Typically I scorch my body and although I go brown after a few days, I needlessly inflict pain on my body)!

While I was soaking up the rays along the coast of Corsica, Kindle in hand, I observed many women going topless.  For the most part these women didn't have perfectly rounded b.r.e.a.s.t.s, flat or abs of steel stomachs.  They weren't your runway supermodel variety.  What they were though, were beings comfortable in their own skin, letting their "ladies" hang free, giving those ladies some good ol' fashion sunning.

The other thing I observed was that this topless activity was not sexual, it wasn't done to be sexual in the way I think as American culture we often think, but sexual as they (the women) embraced and quite frankly, it would seem loved their bodies.

So even though my "ladies" tend to be more of the 2 advils on an ironing board variety I came to appreciate them in a new light.  As we were most often with my Father in Law and Step Mother in Law I didn't feel comfortable bearing to them, however the last day just G, myself, and one other guest were using the pool.  So, thinking it was a now or never experience, I took my bikini top off and it was liberating.  I almost wish I'd done it sooner :)

Overall I feel I had fun with who I was physically.  Every night I featured a different look - hair, dress, make up.  I dressed up for myself.  Yes, it was nice to receive compliments but I actually did it for me.  Even if I didn't go topless, there was still a liberating sense of being sexual.

Edited to Add: All that being said, I think it has contributed (adversely) to how I now look like a 13 year old (I was carded today in Trader Joes for the first time in a while).  I need to remember that feeling of liberation, of sexuality, of confidence.